14 Days (Part Deux)
Remember this: I haven't updated because I haven't known what to say. I can't find the words. I can't explain...all that is going on in my world, all that is swirling around in my head, what exactly I'm feeling...
Well, here I am again, another 14 days later, and I can definitely say that again. Only this time it is different. Just like that, things seemed to change in many ways, things began to look up. But I can't let all the happiness that I'm feeling these days allow me to become complacent, allow me to abandon this journey, allow me to think that, just like that, I am suddenly so far removed from that place I visited just 14 days ago. No, it is still there, just steps behind me, or perhaps, lurking around some dark corner that awaits just steps ahead. Yes, I must appreciate this happiness, live it, enjoy it. But I must not let it lull me into a sense of calm, delude me into forgetting what sits just below the currently still surface. Instead, I must prepare for the day when I next face it. I must ensure that I become well-equipped for dealing with it. Yes, I am happy today and have been for many recent days. Yes, I appreciate it, but I must not forget that I can't abandon the baby steps, the building blocks, to achieving long-term, consistent happiness, the kind with real staying power. There's a lot of work that remains, and I appreciate being in a place where I look forward to it. And, so, I'm back.
P.S. Oh, and there's a lot of details to fill in from the last month as well.
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