Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

It was at the start of November last year that I set several goals for myself.  I had set many of them before.  This was another go-round at what I set out to do many times before.  I created a 5 page Word document that  detailed how I was going to accomplish the well-rounded, healthy life that I've been craving for so long.  There were deadlines at the end of the month, the start of the new year, my birthday, and deadlines  for mini-goals (stepping stones to ultimate goals) along the way.  

And here I am a year later, largely in the same spot.  So I have decided that I do not want to enter 2012 with these still on my resolution listI am sick of saying I will start tomorrow or on the first or after Thanksgiving or after Christmas or at the start of the New Year.  So I am just declaring today the start of a new year.  I had intended to write this post on the first, but I am not going to allow this to delay my progress any further.  I will just start now.  I want a job now.  I want to be thinner by the time we take family pictures at Thanksgiving.  I want to enter 2012 feeling healthy, organized, relaxed, and ready to enjoy the years ahead.  So, Happy New Year!  The healthier habits I'm going to put in place over the next several weeks are below.  As I've already started, I'm going to continue to slowly add these items through Tuesday's To-Do's, while working on others through separate projects (Project Find a Job, for example).

Project Healthier, Happier Ele
I. Resolution: Be Financially Healthier
   A. Start a new job before Christmas
        1. Apply for at least 8 jobs/day
        2. Send cover letters and resumes to companies for potential unposted positions
   B. Find a part-time job by mid-January
   C. Pay off credit card debt by birthday
   D. Spend less/save more
II. Resolution: Be Physically Healthier
   A. Lose Weight (amount undisclosed but see later post for mini-goal deadlines, accountability  & tracking methods, and incentives)
        1. Eat Less/Better
            a. Eat out sparingly
            b. Give up pop
            c. When eating out, order healthy options
            d. Eat smaller portions
            e. Drink 8, 8 oz. glasses of H2O/day    
            f. Eat more fruits and vegetables
           g. Cook healthy meals
       2. Workout more
            a. Walk the puppy daily
            b. Build up to daily elliptical workouts
            c. Weights or Kinect Fitness every other day
            d. Yoga weekly when employed
III. Resolution: Be Emotionally/Mentally Healthier
    A. Foster stronger relationships/build new ones
         1. Weekly get-together with the sister
         2. Weekly walks with Elizabeth
         3. Monthly lunches with former co-workers
         4. Date nights
         5. Monthly visits to the brothers
         6. Monthly calls to the grandmas
         7. Join clubs/organizations 
         8. Emails to college friends
    B. Get organized
         1. Kitchen
         2. Floors
         3. Laundry/Laundry Room
         4. Office
         5. Master Bedroom/Bathroom/Closet
         6. Glass
         7. Dust
         8. Garage/Outdoor Spaces
         9. Guest Bedrooms/Bathrooms
       10. Organize Drawers/Closets/Cabinets
    C. Be Well-Rested
        1. Go to bed/wake at roughly the same time each day
        2. Get 7-8 hours of sleep/night
    D. Relax/Control Anxiety/Enjoy Old Hobbies/Develop New Hobbies
        1. Yoga
        2. Church 
        3. Blog
        4. Watch Less T.V.
        5. Read More
        6. Photography
        7. Volunteer

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